Village of Carrollton

Phone Icon (330) 476-5315

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Please click GovPayNet to make a payment.
(330) 476-5315

Now accepting online payments with a debit or credit card
A small fee will be charged. is NOT an authorized affiliate of the Village of Carrollton, and it is a third-party website. Furthermore, the Village of Carrollton has no control over when we will receive the customer payments from, which could possibly result in late payment fees being added to your account or even service termination for nonpayment.

Benefits of using our website to pay your bill include that there is a lower fee, and as soon as you receive confirmation of your online payment, we also receive a confirmation email.

We strongly recommend that you pay your bill only at our website,, or our authorized affiliate or call our office @ 330-627-2411 to make a phone payment.